Mo. - Th.: 08:00 - 15:00 Uhr
Fr.: 08:00 - 13:00 Uhr
Outpatient Appointments:
Tel.: 0391/67-15529
Fax.: 0391/67-21407
Centralized Patient Management:
The Team
- Frau Prof. Dr. med. S. Wolff
- Herr Prof. Dr. med. F. Benedix
- Herr Dr. med. J. Arend
Ward: Surgery 1
- Tel.: 0391-67-15522
- Ward Manager: Nurse. Vera Krusche
TheWard 1 is specially equipped for the perioperative care of patients with morbid obesity. The ward consists of single and double-bed rooms. In addition to the provision of special beds and appropriate furniture, suitable patient transport equipment (e.g. wheelchair) and scales are available. Each patient room is additionally equipped with a barrier-free wet room.
For patients who require intensive medical care following surgery, beds are available in the surgical intensive care unit.
Obesity surgical procedures
Endoscopic / surgical procedures:
1. restrictive procedures (reducing the amount of food consumed).
Gastric Balloon - Magenband (Gastric Banding)
- Schlauchmagen (Sleeve gastrectomy)
2. malabsorptive procedures (reduction of food absorption).
3. combined procedures (reduction of food quantity and food absorption).