Molecular and Experimental Surgery (MEC).

The research area of the clinic, which emerged from the area of "Experimental Operative Medicine" and is now called "Molecular and Experimental Surgery (MEC)", comprises a well-equipped laboratory area as a structural unit, which is housed as an experimental research unit of the University Clinic for General, Visceral, Vascular and Transplant Surgery in building 65.  In the assigned laboratory areas, molecular biological, genetic and animal experimental work is carried out within the framework of surgically relevant research projects of the clinic and experimental basic research.


Department Manager 

Prof. Dr. Ulf Kahlert

Scientific Staff: 

Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Wartmann

Technical Staff

Franziska Braun (MTLA) 


Office Hours & Appointments::

Office Hours:       Appointments only


Contact person: Dr. rer. nat. Thomas Wartmann, Tel.: 0391-6117-550

                            Prof. Dr. Ulf Kahlert, Tel.: 0391-67-15528


Science & Research:

Nähere Inhalte zu den Arbeiten und Neuigkeiten der MEC finden sie hier.

More Information about the work and news of MEC you can find here.

Research Projects:

Interrelationship between autophagosomal zymogen activation and inflammatory responses in chronic pancreatitis, funding body: German Research Foundation (DFG). The funding period of the project has ended. 

Project in the ERDF joint project "Autonomy in old age: tumor stem cell and miRNA profile in cancer patients in old age potential biomarkers for individualization of cancer therapy in old age". The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the state of Saxony-Anhalt. The project is integrated into the research network of the Saxony-Anhalt SCIENCE program "Autonomy in old age - model region Saxony-Anhalt". Project duration; 01.01.2016 - 31.12.2019

Last Modification: 13.12.2022 - Contact Person:

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